Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hebrews 2:14-18

Hebrews has depth.  It lends itself to so many stories.

In Hebrews 2:17 the writer speaks about Jesus or God becoming just like us.

There is  a song I like very much.
It's about a man who didn't love God.
(Funny right?)
But his wife and children went to learn about God weekly.

Every Christmas the family pleaded with him to go to church with them.
"It's Christmas!" they would implore, "You have to come with us tonight."

But Dad preferred the solitude by the fire while his family was gone.  He chuckled about the virgin birth, God coming to earth.  What could anybody believe that story.

So year after year the family went to Church without Dad.


Dad sits by the fireside and watches as a snowstorm rolls in.

He notices that there are two sparrows flying about aimlessly seeking cover from the storm.

They will die if they do not make it to shelter.

The Dad, moved with compassion puts on his coat and boots and walks outside in an attempt to help the two birds find shelter.

But he is too big, to frightening. The birds flutter here and there avoiding his guidance.

"If I could only fly a moment," he thinks "I know I could make them understand, just for a moment fly beside them, I know it would all be clear then."

He is suddenly hit with the reality of God coming to earth.

How else would a loving and compassionate God show himself without terrifying us.

He would send Jesus, a man, just like us.  He would experience life with it's great joys and deep sorrows.
He would know what it was like to be tempted to do wrong, to face injustice, to be used, to be betrayed, to give himself up as a ransom payment for all of us.

That's what Hebrews is explaining in verse 17 and 18.

God come to earth to show us the way home.

I'm so glad he did.

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