So I have always been mystified by King David who said, "I love you commandments, Oh Lord."
Because every time I look at those things I feel oppressed...and depressed
Because look at some of these babies:
Don't lie (guilty)
Don't want things that other people have and you don't (coveting) Damn those Jonses.
Don't murder (okay, the only one I haven't done)EXCEPT for that Jesus said if you hate anyone you have more or less killed them...okay, so I'm GUILTY again.
Honor your parents (I blew that one out of the water when I was in High School)
Love God more than anyone else (okay, if it weren't for loving myself so much, I might have this one pegged)
No idols (I guess I'll have to get rid of my shrine to Justin Bieber now)
Rest once a week (REST???? I have four kids, I can't rest)
Don't steal (I "borrowed" money from Oz the other day without asking...hmmmmmm.)
Don't swear by using God's name (sigh)
Don't commit adultery (sleep with someone who is not Oz)
So on this test I've got a 10 out or 10!!!!! (p.s. I've been faithful to my let's not talk about this embarrassing subject any more).
Except this is the kind of test that's like golf, the lower your score the better!
So here is my score......FAIL.
So why would that crazy King David love God's law so much. I think it's kind of a bummer.
Then I remember something in Romans 6
Here goes:
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass(bad stuff) might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So that's good? God wants us to sin???
What the heck?
Well, we know God doesn't want us to sin, he wants us to know we can't help but sin. Because if we know that, maybe we will look for another way to be good...we will fall at his feet and cry for mercy.
And He promises to give it to I REALLY REALLY like this God guy.
Back to King David...I read something the other day that made me realize how David could love the law.
"Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden, it is forbidden because it it hurtful"
A guy named Benjamin Franklin said that.
God does not want us to hurt.
And sin, though it is alluring and pleasurable for a little while, has the end result of biting one back doulbe for any pleasure it gave out.
I don't want to hurt, so I think I do love the law.
But I love the grace of God even more, because I have broken the law so many times and will continue to do so until the day I die.
Go grace go!!!!
And thanks Jesus.